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What’s The Big Deal? Getting The Support You Need To Win More

Everyone wants to find and win bigger deals. It’s the ‘ideal state’ or desired scenario for

most B2B sales organisations and professionals. The terms ‘whale hunting’, ‘mega-deals’,

and ‘super-sized’ are common and they all mean different things in different industries

and organisations.

For many, we could be talking deal values measured in tens of thousands. For others

it may be tens or hundreds of millions in sales cycles lasting multiple years. These are

critically important deals, yet often we see ‘lone ranger’ salespeople trying to pull off the

biggest deals of their lives, with little support, little structure, and little chance of success.

It is the organisations’ deal to win or lose and the deal lead is the conductor.

Let’s look at how deal coaching can change the game so that you win more big deals than

you lose.

Why get a deal coach?

Look at any level of world-class performance. Athletes or teams at the top of their game

wouldn’t stay there without a coach or a team of coaches each with a specialism. Think

about personal fitness. You train better and achieve superior results with a personal trainer

– somebody to hold you accountable and get you out of your comfort zone. Leveraging

an experienced coach will challenge you and the deal team to think and operate at a new,

higher level.

Here are some of the benefits of leveraging an effective deal coach who will:

• Understand, and help you understand areas of focus to improve win probability

• Build awareness of ‘blind-spots’

• Enable every team member to contribute value

• Hold the team accountable

• Push the team to get out of their comfort zone

• Expand the team’s thinking

• Build skills and confidence

• Challenge in a constructive and impartial way

The coach is not there to have the answers. They are there to ask the questions and get

the team to think and perform to the best of their ability.

Winning big is a team sport

We consider pursuing and consistently winning big deals as a team sport. There is

a significant amount of evidence-based research that demonstrates teams working

collaboratively deliver significantly better win rates that ‘lone-rangers’.

Coaching often gets confused with training

Coaching isn’t the same as training. Training is concerned with teaching new skills, tools,

techniques and mindsets to enable individuals and teams to perform better. Training alone

is ineffective, as 80% of what people learn in the classroom is typically forgotten within 30

days unless it is supported.

Deal coaching involves a series of planned sessions to strategise techniques for moving a

specific opportunity forward in the sales cycle. The sessions typically take place with the

entire team or just a few opportunity owners. At a minimum, they should include anyone

who is directly involved with the opportunity and has a stake in its success. The goal of the

Deal Coach is to help opportunity owner(s) answer the question: Based on what we know,

what we should do?

“The deal coaching challenge is often getting the team to lift their head out of the

weeds and transition from knowing what they should do, to doing what they know

they should do, deliberately and consistently.”

Experienced sales coaches will often have a proven, consistent approach to their craft, with

specialist frameworks and tools available to teams such as the globally recognised

G.R.O.W. methodology.

Critical Success Factors

Based on our experience coaching hundreds of large complex deals and dozens of

organisations, we have identified a number of critical success factors when setting

up a programme of deal reviews or coaching sessions.

Right deals

Ensure that the criteria for selecting deals for coaching or regular review is agreed in advance and reviewed periodically. Typically criteria are based on size, strategic importance, complexity and degree of competition.

Right team

Team roles are clear with defined sales and bid leads. Team selection is based on choosing the ‘best athlete’ after careful analysis of both skills and behavioural styles (on our side and the client side).

Right processes

An established bid management process is in place and proactively managed by the bid lead. Internal review and approval processes are clear and scheduled in a timely fashion.

Right coach

The coach has demonstrable skills and experience related to the size and complexity of the opportunity. The coach uses a proven structure, approach and tools.

Right coaching moment

Consideration is given to the optimum ‘moments’ to coach at every stage of the process from early stage strategising and organising, through advancing and qualifying, to proposing, presenting, negotiating and closing the deal.

Right cadence

A suitable cadence is set for a series of coaching sessions based on the deal complexity and length of sales-cycle.

Right accountability

Leaders hold themselves and the team to account. The coach holds the leaders to account.

Our Approach

We have a team of sales coaches with experience across a range of industries and geographies, each having led and won strategically important deals.

Our deal reviews leverage the G.R.O.W. methodology and a range of tools and templates

that can be customised and branded to enable consistent execution of major strategic

sales opportunities, including, and not limited to:

• Revenue Qualification Model

• Win Probability Tool

• Competitor Win Plan

• Relationship Maps

• Power Maps

• Qualification Tools

• Value Analysis Tools

• Differentiation Tools

• Presentation Templates

• Proposal Templates

• Negotiation Plans

If your organisation needs to improve its approach to managing and winning large

complex, competitive deals, let’s have a discussion. We’ll take time to fully understand your

needs and give you a candid view of what will be required over time, so that you can decide

whether or not we might be a good fit.



Let's Have A Conversation

To arrange a call to discuss your needs and decide whether or not we might be a good fit, send us a short message and we'll have a quick conversation with no obligation.

Feel free to call us on 01223 967320

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